Construction Law
Pender & 科沃德建筑法事务所的律师代理大型和小型企业, as well as individual owners, developers, general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and material men. We negotiate and handle building construction contracts, repairs, rehabilitation and demolition of commercial, governmental, and residential buildings, and roadways, dams, bridges, bulkheads, and golf courses.
我们的建筑律师处理建筑行业中遇到的各种事务, including:
- Contracts for construction, remodeling, rehabilitation and demolition of buildings and other structures
- Licensing of contractors, architects and professional engineers
- 建筑规范,建筑许可,分区,特殊用途许可和共管公寓
- 更改订单,额外的工作订单和不同的现场状况索赔
- Immigration, labor law, safety, and Federal and Virginia Occupational, Safety, Health Administration (OSHA/VOSHA) rules, regulations and violations
- 机械和材料留置权的索赔、抗辩和执行
- 建筑商的风险、责任和财产损失保险
- 与业主、承建商、分包商、物料商破产有关的债权
- Project scheduling issues, delay claims and time extensions
- Inspection, acceptance and warranty matters
- 为方便政府或因违约而终止合约及因违约而提出的金钱申索
- 与施工相关的诉讼和替代性争议解决
我们在建筑合同的形成和建筑项目的执行方面拥有丰富的代理经验. Construction is extensively regulated by government statutes, and contract provisions, 并须服从法院和行政审裁处适用普通法原则的裁决,而普通法原则是建筑合同所特有的. 在建筑合同的形成和整个建筑项目的执行过程中,有一位在建筑法方面有丰富经验的律师提供建议和代理是非常重要的. 在我们经验丰富的律师中,有一位从事建筑法律工作超过50年, and another with over 30 years' experience.
Successfully litigated and negotiated a $4.承包商因场地条件不同而提出的额外费用索赔300万美元, delays and design defects of federal office building.
Successfully litigated claims on highway project for delays, breach of implied warranty of access to jobsite, differing site conditions, 以及支付下级法院和弗吉尼亚最高法院的自有设备费用.
代表一个总承包商对诺福克的一个公寓大楼的业主提起诉讼,并赢得了陪审团的裁决,要求赔偿损失和律师费,因为该业主因风暴对公寓大楼造成的破坏而进行了翻新工作, Virginia.
Made claims, litigated and settled claims exceeding $500,代表位于切萨皮克的一家钢铁制造商的建设性变更订单, Virginia, 起诉朴茨茅斯一家燃煤热电联产设施的承包商, Virginia, built to provide steam and electricity.
Successfully arbitrated claims in Seattle, Washington, 根据《澳门亚洲博彩平台排名》,代表总承包商对分包商的履约保函进行抗辩. 索赔的缺陷工作和未能完成的工作涉及混凝土修复和恢复普吉特湾海军造船厂干船坞#6, resulted in an arbitration award and recovery of over $450,000, including all attorney’s fees and costs incurred.
Litigated claims in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee, and settled claims exceeding $400,000 for constructive change order work, and delay and disruption claims, 代表一个分包商清洗和重新涂覆田纳西河谷管理局所有的地上柴油储罐.
向田纳西州陆军国民警卫队提出索赔,要求部分终止对两栋建筑物进行翻新的建筑合同, assisted in DCAA audit responses, and negotiated a favorable resolution for client.
Litigated claims exceeding $1 million on behalf of Norfolk, Virginia, 住宅业主协会对开发商和写字楼业主协会的豪华住宅, 建筑缺陷的零售和办公混合用途公寓项目, beach of warranties and fiduciary duties, and achieved favorable settlement for client in mediation.
代表总承包商就在纽波特纽斯建造一座教堂有关的应付款项索赔, Virginia, 起诉和辩护了多起分包商的机械师留置案, and against the owner, 在不需要调解的情况下,以有利的方式解决并支付给客户.
代表业主对总承包商提起了许多诉讼, obtained judgments on behalf of owners, 并在承建商追讨基金下,代表业主追讨欠款.
提出并解决了许多机械师对承包商的留置权索赔, subcontractors and material men.
代表一个城市成功调解对承包商的索赔,索赔金额约为3美元.5 million to reconstruct bridge.